Valorizing Research and Evidence for Social Inclusion in Indonesia: A Practical Guide for Information Uptake in the Indonesian Education Policymaking Process
Mayo 21, 2019  //  DOI: 10.35497/281876
Center For Indonesian Policy Studies


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Valorizing Research and Evidence for Social Inclusion in Indonesia: A Practical Guide for Information Uptake in the Indonesian Education Policymaking Process Image

This project, concerning the valorization of evidence in inclusive social development in Southeast
Asia, is part of UNESCO’s Inclusive Policy Lab work in the ‘Management of Social Transformations’
(MOST) Programme framework. The objective of the Lab is to support UNESCO Member States
as they advance their social policy agendas by making better use of scientific information and
knowledge—valorization refers to this process. The Lab aims to improve the South-South sharing
of inclusive policy knowledge and practice, increasing availability of policy knowledge and advice
in the region, and strengthening social data literacy among policy practitioners and other relevant

The UNESCO-Jakarta Office, in collaboration with the Center for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS),
is implementing the project in Indonesia. Stage 1 of the cooperation between UNESCO and CIPS
provided a situational analysis of inclusive policy design and knowledge valorization in the
Indonesian education sector.
This practical guide constitutes stage 2 of the project and provides recommendations for
Indonesian stakeholders to improve inclusivity in education policymaking processes. We
recommend practical actions to improve the valorization of knowledge, that is, the availability,
accessibility and usage of evidence in education policymaking processes. Our recommendations
are meant to improve inclusivity and to support the national policy objective of providing access
to quality education for all.

The main stakeholders addressed by this guide are the relevant government agencies in the
Indonesian education sector, in particular the Ministry of Education and Culture (MOEC), bi- and
multilateral donor agencies, and civil society organizations (CSOs). The recommendations focus
on enhancing opportunities found by analyzing MOEC Regulation No. 142/2014, which specifies
the steps of planning, drafting, discussion, legalization, and enactment of ministerial regulations
by MOEC. The recommendations further include actions to improve the use of evidence on the
side of bi- and multilateral donors and CSOs with the aim of achieving inclusive and equitable
education in Indonesia.

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