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    Showing 61–70 of 193 results
    Felippa Amanta, Nisrina Nafisah
    Policy brief | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · February 2022 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Tingginya harga minyak goreng di Indonesia telah menjadi sorotan sejak kuartal keempat 2021 hingga awal kuartal pertama 2022. Indeks BU RT1 mencatat kenaikan harga minyak goreng sebesar 56% antara Mar...
    Nisrina Nafisah, Felippa Amanta
    Policy brief | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · February 2022 | 🇬🇧 English
    The high price of cooking oil in Indonesia has been under the spotlight from the fourth quarter of 2021 up to the beginning of 2022. Between March and December 2021, Index BU RT1 recorded a 56% price ...
    Krisna Gupta, Deasy Pane, Donny Passaribu
    Research paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · January 2022 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Praktik perizinan perdagangan di Indonesia memiliki sejumlah permasalahan, antara lain proses yang panjang, kurangnya transparansi, dan buruknya kualitas data. Untuk menangani masalahmasalah ini, peme...
    Krisna Gupta, Deasy Pane, Donny Pasaribu
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · January 2022 | 🇬🇧 English
    Indonesia’s trade licensing practice has a lot of problems, including, among others, lengthy process, lack of transparency, and poor data quality. To address these issues, the Indonesian government in...
    Sri Handayani Nasution
    Research paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · December 2021 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Pertemuan Menteri-menteri Digital ASEAN (ADGMIN) memperkenalkan ASEAN Digital Masterplan 2025 (ADM) guna mewujudkan visi ASEAN sebagai komunitas dan blok ekonomi digital yang terdepan, yang didukung o...
    Sri Handayani Nasution
    Research paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · December 2021 | 🇬🇧 English
    The ASEAN Digital Ministries Meeting introduced the ASEAN Digital Masterplan 2025 (ADM) in pursuit of its vision of ASEAN as the leading digital community and digital economic bloc, powered by secure ...
    Azizah Nazzala Fauzi, Nisrina Nuraini Nafisah
    Research paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · December 2021 | 🇬🇧 English
    Food security is an urgent issue in Southeast Asia, with its growing population, high malnutrition rate, and decreasing agricultural productivity. COVID-19 pandemic restrictions have exacerbated the s...
    Azizah Nazzala Fauz, Nisrina Nuraini Nafisah
    Research paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · December 2021 | 🇬🇧 English | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Ketahanan pangan adalah sebuah isu yang mendesak di Asia Tenggara, dengan populasinyayang terus bertumbuh, tingginya tingkat malnutrisi, dan menurunnya produktivitas pertanian. Restriksi-restriksi COV...