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    Showing 181–193 of 193 results
    Muhammad Adi Rahman
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · October 2016 | 🇬🇧 English
    The current education system in Indonesia has shown limited success. While it manages to widen participation access to allow primary students and junior secondary students to enjoy basic education, wi...
    Muhammad Adi Rahman
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · October 2016 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Sistem pendidikan terkini di Indonesia dinilai kurang sukses. Meskipun sistem ini berhasil memberikan akses bagi siswa sekolah dasar (SD) dan sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) untuk menikmati pendidikan ...
    Jeffrey Miron
    Discussion paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · October 2016 | 🇬🇧 English
    When—if ever—is state control of individual decisions better than self-control? In the rational consumer model, the answer is never. That paradigm assumes that consumers know their own preferences, po...
    Jeffrey Miron
    Discussion paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · October 2016 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Pertanyaan refleksi untuk mengawali bagian ini adalah, apakah pernah terjadi suatu masa di mana kendali penuh oleh negara akan menghasilkan kondisi yang lebih baik daripada pengendalian diri yang dila...
    Hizkia Respatiadi
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · June 2016 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Amanat yang tertuang dalam Undang-Undang Dasar Republik Indonesia tahun 1945 menyatakan bahwa seluruh sumber daya dan kekayaan alam berada di bawah kekuasaan negara. Meskipun ketentuan hukum menempatk...
    Hizkia Respatiadi
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · June 2016 | 🇬🇧 English
    The Indonesian constitution mandates that all natural resources remain under the control of the state. Over the years, legal stipulations put different levels of government in charge but the authority...
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