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    Showing 101–150 of 193 results
    Ajisatria Suleiman
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · March 2021 | 🇬🇧 English
    Despite its significant growth, peer-to-peer (P2P) lending is a controversial sub-sector in financial technology (fintech), especially the practices of lenders that offer unsecured cash, or payday, lo...
    Ajisatria Suleiman
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · March 2021 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Meskipun kian berkembang, layanan Peer-to-Peer Lending (P2P Lending) merupakan sub-sektor fintech yang kontroversial, terutama terkait praktik pemberi pinjaman yang menawarkan pinjaman uang tunai atau...
    Galuh Octania
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · February 2021 | 🇬🇧 English
    The national rice consumption in Indonesia is among the highest in the world, reaching 29.13 million tonnes in 2017. It has been estimated that it might increase to 31.7 million tonnes by 2045 along w...
    Galuh Octania
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · February 2021 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Konsumsi beras nasional di Indonesia termasuk yang tertinggi di dunia, mencapai 29,13 juta ton di tahun 2017. Angka tersebut telah diperkirakan akan meningkat hingga mencapai 31,7 juta ton pada tahun ...
    Pingkan Audrine
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · January 2021 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Konsumi minuman beralkohol (minol) di Indonesia tergolong relatif rendah, yaitu di angka 0,8 liter per kapita per tahunnya, baik yang legal maupun yang ilegal. Angka tersebut hanya seperenam dari kons...
    Pingkan Audrine
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · January 2021 | 🇬🇧 English
    The consumption of alcoholic beverages in Indonesia is relatively low at 0.8 litres per capita a year, including both recorded and unrecorded alcohol. This is merely one-sixth of the average consumpti...
    Ira Aprilianti, Siti Alifah Dina
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · January 2021 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Nilai total transaksi (Gross Merchandise Value - GMV) ekonomi digital Indonesia telah tumbuhl ebih dari 40% setiap tahunnya sejak 2015 dan diprediksi akan mencapai US$ 130 miliar pada tahun 2025. Hal ...
    Ira Aprilianti, Siti Alifah Dina
    Research paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · January 2021 | 🇬🇧 English
    Executive Summary The Gross Merchandise Value of the Indonesian digital economy has been growing at an annual rate of over 40% since 2015 and is predicted to reach USD 130 billion by 2025. This makes...
    Andree Surianta
    Policy brief | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · September 2020 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Meski Covid-19 telah mengacaukan perdagangan dan investasi internasional, pandemi ini sejatinya merupakan sebuah krisis kesehatan global. Dengan meningkatnya perhatian terhadap Rantai Nilai Global (RN...
    Pingkan Audrine
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · September 2020 | 🇬🇧 English
    Indonesia produced 152,319 tonnes of tobacco leaf in 2017, making it the sixth-largest tobacco leaf producer in the world. However, outdated technology pushes productivity in the tobacco farming indus...
    Pingkan Audrine
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · September 2020 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Indonesia memproduksi 152.319 ton daun tembakau pada tahun 2017 dan menjadi produsen daun tembakau terbesar ke-6 di dunia. Akan tetapi, teknologi yang sudah ketinggalan menghambat produktivitas indust...
    Ira Aprilianti, Felippa Amanta
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · September 2020 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Sektor pengantaran makanan daring diperkirakan tumbuh sebesar 11,5% setiap tahunnya dari tahun 2020 sampai 2024. Penjualan makanan mewakili 27,85% seluruh penjualan e-commerce di tahun 2018, menjadika...
    Ira Aprilianti, Felippa Amanta
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · September 2020 | 🇬🇧 English
    Indonesia’s online food delivery sector is expected to grow by 11.5% annually from 2020 to 2024. Food sales represented 27.85% of all e-commerce sales in 2018, making it the largest category in e-comm...
    Arianto Patunru, Andree Surianta
    Policy brief | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · May 2020 | 🇬🇧 English
    Restrictions to control Covid-19 spread have put immense pressure on international trade and investment. Global trade is predicted to fall by 13 – 32%, while foreign direct investment (FDI) may sink e...
    Ira Aprilianti
    Research paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · May 2020 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Ekonomi digital diperkirakan bernilai sebesar USD40 triliun di Indonesia pada tahun 2019 dan diprediksi akan mencapai USD130 triliun pada 2025. Meskipun perusahaan “unicorn” selalu menjadi yang pertam...
    Ira Aprilianti
    Research paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · May 2020 | 🇬🇧 English
    The Indonesian internet economy was sized at an estimated USD 40 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach USD 130 billion by 2025. Although omnipresent “unicorn” retailers tend to be front of mind in ...
    Arianto Patunru, Galuh Octania Hatta, Pingkan Audrine
    Policy brief | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · May 2020 | 🇬🇧 English | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Key Messages - To contain the outbreak, many regions in Indonesia have implemented Large Scale Social Restriction (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar/ PSBB) with varying degrees of restrictions on the...
    Nadia Fairuza Azzahra
    Policy brief | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · May 2020 | 🇬🇧 English
    Key Messages: - The rapid spread of the Covid-19 pandemic has created a disruption in Indonesia’s education sector as around 45 million students are unable to continue their learning activity in sch...
    Nadia Fairuza Azzahra
    Policy brief | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · May 2020 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Pesan Utama: - Penyebaran pandemi Covid-19 yang cepat telah menyebabkan gangguan pada sektor pendidikan Indonesia di mana sekitar 45 juta siswa tidak dapat melanjutkan kegiatan belajar mereka di seko...
    Felippa Amanta, Ira Aprilianti
    Policy brief | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · April 2020 | 🇬🇧 English | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Key Messages: - Covid-19 is disrupting Indonesia’s food system. Employment in agriculture is expected to contract by 4.87% and domestic agricultural supply by 6.20%. Imports will decrease by 17.11% w...
    Felippa Amanta, Ira Aprilianti
    Policy brief | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · April 2020 | 🇬🇧 English
    Key Messages: Covid-19 is disrupting Indonesia’s food system. Employment in agriculture is expected to contract by 4.87% and domestic agricultural supply by 6.20%. Imports will decrease by 17.11% whi...
    Nadia Fairuza Azzahra
    Discussion paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · January 2020 | 🇬🇧 English | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Indonesia’s Almost 30,000 pesantren are private Islamic education institutions and acknowledged as part of Indonesia’s education system. They are particularly known for their long presence in society ...
    Nadia Fairuza Azzahra
    Discussion paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · January 2020 | 🇬🇧 English
    Indonesia’s almost 30,000 pesantren are private Islamic education institutions and acknowledged as part of Indonesia’s education system. They are particularly known for their long presence in society ...
    Arianto Patunru, Assyifa Szami Ilman
    Discussion paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · January 2020 | 🇬🇧 English
    The quest for Indonesia’s sustainable food security currently lies on how the country manages its most important food commodity: rice. The Indonesian government, through numerous instruments, has been...
    Arianto Patunru, Assyifa Szami Ilman
    Discussion paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · January 2020 | 🇬🇧 English | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    The quest for Indonesia’s sustainable food security currently lies on how the country manages its most important food commodity: rice. The Indonesian government, through numerous instruments, has been...
    Mercyta Jorsvinna Glorya, Arief Nugraha
    Discussion paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · November 2019 | 🇬🇧 English
    Indonesia is a major producer of cocoa, coffee, and rubber. These three commodities represent an important source of income for Indonesian farmers. However, productivity in cocoa and coffee are signif...
    Mercyta Jorsvinna Glorya, Arief Nugraha
    Discussion paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · November 2019 | 🇬🇧 English | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Indonesia is a major producer of cocoa, coffee, and rubber. These three commodities represent an important source of income for Indonesian farmers. However, productivity in cocoa and coffee are signif...
    Galuh Octania, Muhammad Diheim Biru
    Report · November 2019 | 🇬🇧 English
    Indonesia is restrictive when it comes to trade policies and these restrictions affect access to rice, which is a problem as it is the staple food of the country. The existing barriers have contribute...
    Mercyta Jorsvinna Glorya, Kidung Asmara
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · October 2019 | 🇬🇧 English
    Between January and April 2018, more than 100 people across Indonesia died after consuming non-conforming alcohol (oplosan). It contained methanol, which is an industrial alcohol not suitable for huma...
    Mercyta Jorsvinna Glorya, Kidung Asmara Sigit
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · October 2019 | 🇬🇧 English | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Between January and April 2018, more than 100 people across Indonesia died after consuming non-conforming alcohol (oplosan). It contained methanol, which is an industrial alcohol not suitable for huma...
    Kadir Ruslan
    Discussion paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · July 2019 | 🇬🇧 English
    One of the sources of policy bias against food commodities in Indonesia, particularly rice and secondary crops, is the low level of data accuracy. This situation has led to a surge in policy costs, bo...
    Kadir Ruslan
    Discussion paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · July 2019 | 🇬🇧 English | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    One of the sources of policy bias against food commodities in Indonesia, particularly rice and secondary crops, is the low level of data accuracy. This situation has led to a surge in policy costs, bo...
    Donald J. Boudreaux
    Book | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · July 2019 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Apakah pasar bebas mengharuskan negara membuka pasar sebebas-bebasnya untuk asing? Apakah pasar bebas menyebabkan defisit transaksi berjalan? Apakah liberalisasi ekonomi sama dengan menjual negara k...
    Indra Krishnamurti, Muhammad Diheim Biru
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · July 2019 | 🇬🇧 English
    With a large population size that rapidly continues to grow, Indonesia needs to satisfy a growing demand for rice if it wants to prevent further rice price increases. Indonesian rice prices are alread...
    Indra Krishnamurti, Muhammad Diheim Biru
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · July 2019 | 🇬🇧 English | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    With a large population size that rapidly continues to grow, Indonesia needs to satisfy a growing demand for rice if it wants to prevent further rice price increases. Indonesian rice prices are alread...
    Indra Krishnamurti, Arief Nugraha, Mercyta Jorsvinna Glorya
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · July 2019 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Tanah kas desa awal mulanya muncul saat era kolonial dan biasanya terdiri dari beberapa hektare lahan yang berada di bawah pengawasan pemerintah desa. Undang-Undang Desa Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 memberikan ...
    Indra Krishnamurti, Arief Nugraha, Mercyta Jorsvinna Glorya
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · July 2019 | 🇬🇧 English
    Village treasury lands (tanah kas desa) originate from the colonial era and usually comprise a few hectares that remain under the control of the village government. Village Law No. 6/2014 allows villa...
    Assyifa Szami Ilman, Iqbal Dawam Wibisono
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · March 2019 | 🇬🇧 English
    Stunting in Indonesia affected 30.8% of children under five years old – almost eight million children in 2018. This makes it a highly troubling policy issue. The government has designed several centra...
    Carmelo Ferlito, Hizkia Respatiadi
    Discussion paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · January 2019 | 🇬🇧 English | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Industri unggas di Indonesia adalah sektor utama bagi perekonomian nasional, yang memasok 65% protein hewani dan mempekerjakan 10% tenaga kerja nasional. Meskipun produksi lokal berhasil memenuhi perm...