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    Showing 141–160 of 192 results
    Indra Krishnamurti, Muhammad Diheim Biru
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · July 2019 | 🇬🇧 English
    With a large population size that rapidly continues to grow, Indonesia needs to satisfy a growing demand for rice if it wants to prevent further rice price increases. Indonesian rice prices are alread...
    Indra Krishnamurti, Muhammad Diheim Biru
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · July 2019 | 🇬🇧 English | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    With a large population size that rapidly continues to grow, Indonesia needs to satisfy a growing demand for rice if it wants to prevent further rice price increases. Indonesian rice prices are alread...
    Indra Krishnamurti, Arief Nugraha, Mercyta Jorsvinna Glorya
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · July 2019 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Tanah kas desa awal mulanya muncul saat era kolonial dan biasanya terdiri dari beberapa hektare lahan yang berada di bawah pengawasan pemerintah desa. Undang-Undang Desa Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 memberikan ...
    Indra Krishnamurti, Arief Nugraha, Mercyta Jorsvinna Glorya
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · July 2019 | 🇬🇧 English
    Village treasury lands (tanah kas desa) originate from the colonial era and usually comprise a few hectares that remain under the control of the village government. Village Law No. 6/2014 allows villa...
    Assyifa Szami Ilman, Iqbal Dawam Wibisono
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · March 2019 | 🇬🇧 English
    Stunting in Indonesia affected 30.8% of children under five years old – almost eight million children in 2018. This makes it a highly troubling policy issue. The government has designed several centra...
    Carmelo Ferlito, Hizkia Respatiadi
    Discussion paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · January 2019 | 🇬🇧 English | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Industri unggas di Indonesia adalah sektor utama bagi perekonomian nasional, yang memasok 65% protein hewani dan mempekerjakan 10% tenaga kerja nasional. Meskipun produksi lokal berhasil memenuhi perm...
    Carmelo Ferlito, Hizkia Respatiadi
    Discussion paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · January 2019 | 🇬🇧 English
    The Indonesian poultry industry is a key sector for the national economy, supplying 65% of all animal protein and employing 10% of the national labour force. All over the country, though local product...
    Imelda Magdalena Freddy, Hizkia Respatiadi, Gede Endy Kumara Gupta
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · November 2018 | 🇬🇧 English
    In the first half of 2018, the consumption of maize for animal feed reached 8.60 million tonnes, more than 70% of total Indonesian maize consumption in that period. From 2009 to 2018, maize consumptio...
    Hizkia Respatiadi, Imelda Magdalena Freddy, Gede Endy Kumara Gupta
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · November 2018 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Pada paruh pertama tahun 2018, konsumsi jagung untuk pakan ternak mencapai 8,60 juta ton, lebih dari 70% dari total konsumsi jagung di Indonesia pada periode tersebut. Dari tahun 2009 hingga 2018, kon...
    Novani Karina Saputri, Hizkia Respatiadi
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · October 2018 | 🇬🇧 English
    In the first half of 2018, sugarcane productivity in Indonesia decreased by 2.56 tonnes/ha while the extraction rate fell by 0.36 percentage point compared to 2017. Meanwhile, the demand for sugar is ...
    Novani Karina Saputri, Hizkia Respatiadi
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · October 2018 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Pada paruh pertama tahun 2018, produktivitas tebu di Indonesia menurun sebesar 2,56 ton/ha sementara tingkat rendemennya menurun sebesar 0,36% dibandingkan tahun 2017. Sementara itu, permintaan gula t...
    Rohan Joshi
    Discussion paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · September 2018 | 🇬🇧 English
    Indonesia has a unique private schooling segment which contributes about 35% to the total number of schools in Indonesia. This segment mainly consists of Madrasah and Pondok Pesantren, which come unde...
    Rohan Joshi
    Discussion paper | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · September 2018 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Indonesia memiliki segmen sekolah swasta yang unik dan berkontribusi sekitar 35% dari total jumlah sekolah di Indonesia. Segmen ini terdiri atas Madrasah dan Pondok Pesantren yang berada di bawah Keme...
    Imelda Magdalena Freddy, Gede Endy Kumara Gupta
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · July 2018 | 🇬🇧 English
    From 2009 to 2017, Indonesia produced an average of 18.8 million tons of maize per year. This failed to meet the domestic demand by an average of 2.4 million tons per year during the same period. Sinc...
    Imelda Magdalena Freddy, Gede Endy Kumara Gupta
    Policy analysis | Center for Indonesian Policy Studies · July 2018 | 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
    Dari tahun 2009 hingga 2017, Indonesia memproduksi rata-rata 18,8 juta ton jagung setiap tahunnya. Angka ini gagal memenuhi kebutuhan domestik yang rata-rata mencapai 21,3 juta ton per tahun di period...
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